The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Edward Heneage Primary Academy

It is our intention to ignite a real love of learning by providing a rich, varied and exciting curriculum that meets the needs of each and every individual.

Academy Information

May I extend a very warm welcome to the virtual world of Edward Heneage Primary Academy.

The website enables us to showcase the ever growing range of achievements and accomplishments of our wonderful, hard working children.

Plus, you will find a whole host of useful information for example: term dates, planned events, curriculum content, performance data and newsletters.

At Edward Heneage, we are determined to enable the best possible opportunities for our pupils to attain academic and social excellence.

Our skilled and committed staff work closely with parents, governors and the David Ross Education Trust, upholding a culture of high expectations and a shared belief that the children can and will succeed.

Ethos and values

At Edward Heneage our aim is to provide a world class education to ensure that all pupils leave us in Year 6 with the skills, confidence and self-belief to propel them into the next stage of their lives.

Our staff work tirelessly to provide a curriculum that is not only engaging and challenging, but offers a diverse range of learning opportunities and experiences.  This is underpinned by a strong emphasis on the development of our pupils’ social, emotional, spiritual and moral values, which is intertwined throughout everyday learning.

House System

Edward Heneage is a family school catering for the needs of each individual child.

The house system is a very important part of this.

Pupils are vertically arranged into our 4 houses:

  • Griffin
  • Hydra
  • Phoenix
  • Pegasus 

Each house has a captain and vice-captain who also form part of the school council.

House points can be earned for excellent conduct or work and can be awarded by any staff member (permanent or non). These are recorded as part of the EHPA reward system.

Once per term a house challenge will be held – either sporting, academic or pastoral - and pupils will be encouraged to join up with house members from other classes and year groups.

Edward Heneage Primary Academy

School Family

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs D Osborne (Principal)   

Miss A Steedman (Head of School)

Mrs K Herd (Assistant Principal and SENDCo )

Mrs R Briggs (Senior Leader and Trust Cluster Lead for SEND)



Miss S Callaghan ( Administrator)

Early Years 

Mrs L Smith (Nursery Teacher) 

Mrs N Marshall (EYFS Class Teacher and Phase Lead) 

Key Stage One

Mrs C Lyth ( Y1 Class Teacher)

Mrs E Chester ( Y1 Class Teacher)

Mr A Freeman ( Y2 Class Teacher)

Key Stage Two

Miss R Anderson- (Y3 and Y4 Class Teacher)

Mrs C Morley- (Y3 and Y4 Class Teacher)

Mrs K Reynolds-  ( Y5 Class Teacher)

Mrs B Thompson (Y6 Class Teacher)

Teaching Assistants

Our Teaching Assistants support all of our children, working across the whole academy. 

Mrs D O'Callaghan (Teaching Assistant)

Miss E Maddison ( Teaching Assistant)

Miss L Saunders ( Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Z Stevens ( Teaching Assistant)

Miss L Cook ( Teaching Assistant)

Mrs C Pick (HLTA and Senior Irlen Screener)

Mrs T Willett (HLTA)

Pastoral Support

Mrs T Griffin (DDSL)

Mrs P Shambrook ( HLTA and Thrive Practitioner )

Mrs K Wraith ( EYP and Trainee Thrive Practitioner)

Mrs K Macdonald (Pastoral Support)

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Site Team

 Mrs N Parker ( Caretaker)

Miss S Rudkin ( Midday supervisor and Cleaner)

Miss D Moore ( Midday Supervisor and Cleaner)

Miss C Johnson ( Midday Supervisor and Cleaner)

Mr N Graves (Cleaner)

Mrs K Swain (Catering Supervisor)

Academy Documents

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